A Free #TrulyHuman Download: Alan and Deb Hirsch, Cherith Fee-Nordling, Tory Baucum on Being Human

In honor of the #TrulyHuman blog conversation leading up to our 2nd North American Gathering in May, we want offer the audio of this plenary session from our 1st Gathering in 2013 – for FREE.

This plenary session ventures into the difficult waters of humanity, sexuality, and desire. Tory Baucum, Cherith Fee-Nordling, Debra Hirsch, and Alan Hirsch peel back the layers and get to the essence of what the biblical narrative is communicating – namely, that the story begins with original design, not original sin, and reaches a crescendo in Christ as the image of God and embodiment of our human destiny.

Tory Baucom Cherith Fee-Nordling Deb Hirsch Alan Hirsch

Session Description:

Is this life all there is as far as our humanity goes? What would it mean to receive the Christian hope of salvation as “for the body” as opposed to merely “from the body?” As we think about and participate in the story of God’s involvement with the world from creation to new creation, how might this transfigure our bodily enactment of God’s future in our present relationships?

As the North American Church seeks to participate as fully and faithfully as possible in God’s mission in the world, questions about the nature of humanity, sexuality, and desire are among those at the forefront of our minds and conversations.

If you’re attending Becoming Truly Human in May, this session is a great thing to listen to beforehand as preparation for the conversations to be had. If you’re not, here’s a little taste of what you’ll be missing…so go ahead and register!

The download will be available for free all the way through the Gathering in May.


Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at http://missioalliance.org or on social platforms @missioalliance.