Theology of the Body and the Mission of Marriage


SKU: TRH-W02-12 Category:


True love requires a gift of self in the image of Christ’s love for the church. God, in fact, inscribed this call to love right in our bodies by creating us male and female and calling the two to become “one flesh” (Eph 5:31-32). That’s what makes the body not only biological, but theological: it tells the divine story of Christ’s love — or, at least, it’s meant to. Sin has blinded us to that story, but Christ restores it through “the redemption of the body” (Rom 8:23). In this session you’ll learn from Christopher West, a leading interpreter of the Theology of the Body espoused by Pope John Paul II. You’ll also hear how a small group liturgy based on Theology of the Body is making marriage missional.