Welcome to the Missio Alliance Website

Thanks for stopping by the new site. The functionality and scope of the site will surely grow over time in response to the needs and feedback of those journeying with us, but for now we’re focusing on three main things…

  1. Advancing thought, narratives, and discussion related to major issues facing the North American Church (Blog)
  2. Providing media resources that we believe can inform and shape leaders & communities for faithfully participating in God’s mission (Resources)
  3. Serving as a platform to create and communicate about future opportunities for leaders to gather for the purposes of networking, collaborating, and learning together (Gatherings)

About the Blog…

The blog will feature a mixture of original writing from leading voices, important articles that are cross-posted from other sources, and sporadic announcements and updates.

All of these posts will supplement the primary way in which we want to use the blog – hosting week-long conversations on topics across the areas of church, theology, culture, and leadership as they relate to the nature and shape of mission out of our North American context. Here’s how that will work.

Every Monday we will post the description and audio from one of the sessions that were recorded at our inaugural North American gathering, “The Future of the Gospel: Renewing Evangelical Imagination for Mission.” The download will be available for free all day on Monday and a conversation will be hosted for the following week. Our hope is that these conversations will spur on further thinking, help shape practice in local contexts, and perhaps even develop into further projects and resources.

About Resources…

Currently, we have a bank of resources that were created at our inaugural gathering. Moving forward, we plan to continue working with partners to develop various kinds of resources that both emerge from and seek to contribute to the work of theological practitioners. Hopefully it goes without saying that we will seek to maximize the accessibility of quality resources. At the same time, we believe that creating a community of people who find enough value in what we are doing together that they are willing to make modest financial contributions to the creation and dissemination of these resources is the most faithful way to steward our finances as well as create a mutually supportive fellowship.

About Gatherings…

We’ve received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback about our inaugural gathering! And many have asked for details on next year’s gathering. Our sense, however, is that hosting a North American gathering is probably going to be an every-other-year sort of affair. In-between, we’ll be looking to partner with churches, denominations, schools, and other groups to host smaller, regional gatherings. These types of gatherings can add a lot of value in terms of networking and provide a context for deeper listening and reflection on how broad issues are taking shape in specific contexts. We believe that giving serious amounts of relationship-oriented time and attention to God’s work in specific regions and expressions of the Church is the best way for us to determine what the substance of any future larger gatherings and other kinds of work ought to entail.

If you are new to Missio Alliance (hint: that’s pretty much everyone at this point ;)), head on over to the About page for some further information. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, don’t hesitate to drop us a line using the Contact page.

Thanks for visiting and we hope you find this site to be a helpful “place” where you can engage in thoughtful dialogue, access helpful resources, and find opportunities to gather with missional sojourners across North America and in your context specifically!

JR Rozko

JR has spent most of his working life serving simultaneously in local churches as a pastor and in theological education as a program developer and instructor. His main interests and passions revolve around helping the Western Church develop missional perspectives and instincts, especially through a greater awareness and engagement with Church leaders in the Majority World. Helping to create new networks, partnerships, conversations, and resources that embody and advance the good news of God's mission of reconciliation is at the center of JR's personal sense of call. JR has a Doctorate in Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He, his wife Amy, and their two daughters, Aubrey and Junia, live in Canton, OH and are part of LoveCanton, a congregation of RiverTree Christian Church.