A Lament to the “God Who Sees”

“How Long Oh Lord?” until you see?

no amount of rest seems to wake a weary soul

i need to know you’re aware, not only of the big picture

but these moments i find forming my day


when i hear in the news election results

and of wars, refugees and bodies robbed of life

Remind me you see.

when i read of brokenness and pain

these things start to weigh

Remind me you see.


i don’t need to know you hold the end,

but that you stand in the dark and cloudy shadows of grief

i need you to see my co-worker who is fighting disease,

i need you to see my student who is homeless,

i need you to see my unbelief


Remind me, Oh Lord, that your goodness

is longer than a fleeting moment


Spirit, my soul is overwhelmed with the brokenness of this earth

sometimes the curse just runs too deep

when your easy yolk cannot be found,

remind me, you still see.


Remind me, Oh Lord, that your goodness//is longer than a fleeting moment Share on X


image credit: eiko+koma lament* 1985

Ruthie Johnson

I love Jesus and learn to be more like him while fellowshipping in the Vineyard Church. I am an identity scholar through the discipline of Communication Studies (Intercultural Communication), and love reimagining multi-ethnicity and encouraging its work in the church.