There’s a Nagging Disconnect Between Neighborhood and Church

I think the top question among ‘missional’ churches is “how do I lead my church to be present in the neighborhood?” Yeah we know this is the goal. We know all the theological reasons why this is the way it should be. Now what?
The knee jerk response to to start doing projects of justice and mercy in the neighborhood. This is good. But then there are the issues of burnout. And why do none of the people we are ministering to and with ever become part of our church? There’s a nagging disconnect between ministry in the community and what we do on Sunday and who we are as the people of God.

At this year’s Missional Learning Commons we hope to address these concerns. We will have every day practicioners presenting (check out schedule) and then time for questions and dialogue. We hope to have good conversations and diaslogue and share the highs and lows of navigating life in mission as a church. Care to join us? INDICATE YOU ARE COMING HERE ON FB PAGE.

And you can register HERE. (only 10 bucks). Hope to see you all in October 25!!

1150352_10151899965094225_1337403867_nAlso!!! I’ll be in Hamilton Ontario for the Act Like Men? Conference.  I’m really looking forward to being in my old hometown. Join me if you can make it!!

And last, but not least, my bro and revolutionary friend Mark Van Steenwyk will be in Elgin Church of the Brethren. He’ll challenge you to rethink how you live in Christ’s Lordship. Check it out. Or just make a copy of this poster and frame it. It’s that good.

VanSteenwyk Poster

David Fitch

David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape the Church for Mission (2016), and the forthcoming 2024 release, entitled Reckoning With Power: Why the Church Fails When it's on the Wrong Side of Power (Brazos, Jan 2024). You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, and Substack.