Mission-Centered Unity: The October Blog Conversation and a Call For Submissions!

In the month of October we want to round out our 3-month series on “Why Unity Within Diversity Is Vital To The Future Of The Church In God’s Mission.”

In August we focused on the “Biblical and Historical Basis for Christian Unity,” which helped to ground our discussions in both God’s design for Christian unity as well as the concrete ways (positive and negative) that this has unfolded. In September, we looked at “Restoring Unity in the Church Today,” which provided space to reflect on ways that Christian unity is manifesting itself or is being threatened in our various contexts today.

In October, we’d like to open up a discussion on missional-ecumenism. This is a term that we are borrowing from John Armstrong’s book Your Church is Too Small. If August was a look at the past and September a look at the present, October is meant to provide a window into the future. The phrase “missional-ecumenical movement” refers to a growing inclination among many church leaders and systems to seek out and create mission-centric opportunities of connecting with and learning from those of other tribes and traditions. The idea of “missional-ecumenism” is predicated on the idea that participation in the missio Dei is a common frame of reference for Christians of all varieties and thus provides a natural on-ramp to conversation and collaboration. This growing “missional-ecumenical movement,” then, seems to provide an opportunity for acknowledging and honoring difference (ecumenism) within that which God means for the Church find and express unity (mission).

Thus, in the month of October, we invite articles that can help lead us into developing a imagination for God’s work of helping the Church, in all of its diversity, to continue to develop a lived sense of unity in God’s mission for the sake of our witness in the world.

Articles might include…

  • How your theology and practice has been shaped by those of other tribes and traditions.
  • How the church, denomination, or network you are a part of has sought to engage those of other tribes and traditions.
  • Proposals (theological or practical) for the furtherance of “missional-ecumenism” and the “missional-ecumenical movement”.
  • Reflections on resources that can aid in the development of relationships and engagement across common lines of division.

Send your article submissions to writing@missioalliance.org. We look forward to hearing from you!

Missio Alliance

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at http://missioalliance.org or on social platforms @missioalliance.