Continue Exploring #TrulyHuman @ The Justice Conference

The #TrulyHuman gathering in Alexandria wrapped up this past Saturday and by all accounts, it was a landmark event! Check out some of the highlights from the Twitter stream or over here on Facebook.

We'll be featuring reflections from conference participants in the weeks to come, but for now, we wanted to make you aware of a special offer from The Justice Conference.

For the next 24 hours, you can get 2 registrations for just $99 each!

(click the banner to register)

If you're in the Chicago area, this would be a great space to continue pressing into several of the #TrulyHuman themes from our gathering last week. 

I am planning to be there myself and would love to connect with any Missio Alliance friends who might be there as well. Just drop me a line!

JR Rozko

JR has spent most of his working life serving simultaneously in local churches as a pastor and in theological education as a program developer and instructor. His main interests and passions revolve around helping the Western Church develop missional perspectives and instincts, especially through a greater awareness and engagement with Church leaders in the Majority World. Helping to create new networks, partnerships, conversations, and resources that embody and advance the good news of God's mission of reconciliation is at the center of JR's personal sense of call. JR has a Doctorate in Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He, his wife Amy, and their two daughters, Aubrey and Junia, live in Canton, OH and are part of LoveCanton, a congregation of RiverTree Christian Church.