Experiencing Resurrection and Unity at the #TrulyHuman Gathering

Attending the Missio Alliance conference this month truly restored my eyes to see the hope of our calling in Christ Jesus, the glorious inheritance of the saints (Ephesians 1:20)…

For the past several years I have been dealing with the culmination and consequences of severe bad choices before the Lord. My lack of dependence on Him and my resolve to follow my own path though I know the Way, lead me into a deep depression (valley). I took my hope and shelved it – and my heart grew sick, Psalm 13:12. So let's just say I didn't come to Alexandria, VA believing for my next big miracle or breakthrough.

And still, in His goodness and perfect timing, Christ had a severe mercy waiting for me at the conference – and through the prayer of strangers He spoke and reminded me how He sees me. 

A man sought after by a King.

A man set apart for a Kingdom's work.

A General in God's Army.

I had forgotten, but right then, I remembered. I was down and out for a long time, and the spoken word lifted me up immediately! Strength and power came and the glory of God made manifest! We celebrated how faithful He is to always be with us, yet also come out of nowhere with surprises and revelations of His love! Indeed, deep hurts were forgiven and forgotten in comparison to the witness of Our God, Jehovah Rapha. The one who heals us!

Thank you brothers and sisters for your surrender to God's leading and will. It removes so many barriers and walls between us as we are all one body; and how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity, Psalm 133:1! 

I pray everyone who attended will continue to experience 'oneness' with the Father and with each other. I also share in the excitement that Christ is close to us and wants absolutely NO SPACE between us! May we long to gather with each other again after a year of walking out powerful resurrected lives IN Christ!  

Stay One!

[Photo: Joel Bombardier]

Brian Lamm