A Brand New #TrulyHuman Conference Site – and Only a Few More Days of Early Bird Registration!

In case you didn’t hear, yesterday we debuted this beautiful new conference website, which will be updated regularly with presenter, session, and schedule news. 

And perhaps even more importantly, we want to make sure all of you know that Early Bird registration pricing ends on January 31st!

Here’s some info about our second North American Gathering, Being Truly Human: Re-Imagining the Resurrectional Life:

The Cross is Not Enough. While obviously of profound significance, the cross seems to have usurped the resurrection as the unique centerpiece of Christian faith, practice, and even how we understand the nature of God’s salvation. Yet, as Paul said, “If Christ had not been raised our faith is in vain.” The resurrection is not only the true center of the Christian faith, but it signals God’s initiative in the renewing of creation. The resurrection both embodies and empowers the destiny of God’s people as divine image-bearers from now to forever.

Could it be that restoring the resurrection of the Son of God to it’s rightful place is exactly what the people of God need to give witness to the true gospel in the 21st century?

Could it be that pressing into the significance of the resurrection for the mission of God gives us new angles into understanding both our human identity and ecclesial witness amidst many of the questions and challenges of our day?

We invite you to join a wide array of church leaders like yourself to imagine anew what it means to be “raised with Christ,” for the sake of the gospel, and the sake of your own life.

Join us!

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at http://missioalliance.org or on social platforms @missioalliance.