A New Way & Conversation for May

Every now and then, seasons change. 

And new ways of living and being and creating emerge.

We are excited about a new season for the blog here at Missio Alliance, one that will entail a new way of creating and curating engaging content  each and every day. This new way will include a greater diversity of voices and perspectives on our core team of contributors, all passionate about moving the church further into God’s mission. And this new way also entails seeking out voices from our readership each month to feature here on the blog.

And one of those voices could be yours.

See, each month we will be calling for submissions from you, our readers, on a particular theme.

So, let’s talk about a conversation for May.

Some topics have been surfacing recently about how we see and interpret the Bible. So our conversation this month is exactly that: “How We See the Bible.”

This audio from Scot McKnight at the Ecclesia National Gathering on “How the Bible Works” sets the stage well.

And this post from Brian Zahnd called “My Problem With the Bible” adds an important challenge.

So, now the question is, what do you want to add to the conversation?

To contribute a post, simply contact us with your pitch.

Every now and then, seasons change.

We look forward to a vibrant conversation about the church and mission here on the blog in the days ahead.

[Image, CC]
Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at http://missioalliance.org or on social platforms @missioalliance.