May 15, 2020 / Daniel Maat

Amanda Hecht

Amanda Hecht lives in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. In her own words, Amanda is “an uninvitedsettler on the prairies of Canada, coming from a family of (mostly) European Caucasian settlers.” She is the solo Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church, Saskatoon. Amanda has a DMin in NewTestament Context from Northern Seminary.

Amanda Hecht lives in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. In her own words, Amanda is “an uninvitedsettler on the prairies of Canada, coming from a family of (mostly) European Caucasian settlers.” She is the solo Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church, Saskatoon. Amanda has a DMin in NewTestament Context from Northern Seminary.

Amanda Hecht lives in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. In her own words, Amanda is “an uninvitedsettler on the prairies of Canada, coming from a family of (mostly) European Caucasian settlers.” She is the solo Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church, Saskatoon. Amanda has a DMin in NewTestament Context from Northern Seminary.