May 15, 2020 / Daniel Maat

Amber Hogan Jones

Amber lives in Brunswick, Maryland. In her own words, Amber is a “Caucasianfemale from the Deep South of the United States, who was raised poverty, abuse, and chaos.” Sheis the Director of Spiritual Formation at Key City Church in Frederick, MD, as well as aSpiritual Director. Amber has a DMin in Leadership & Spiritual Formation from PortlandSeminary.

Amber lives in Brunswick, Maryland. In her own words, Amber is a “Caucasianfemale from the Deep South of the United States, who was raised poverty, abuse, and chaos.” Sheis the Director of Spiritual Formation at Key City Church in Frederick, MD, as well as aSpiritual Director. Amber has a DMin in Leadership & Spiritual Formation from PortlandSeminary.

Amber Hogan Jones lives in Brunswick, Maryland. In her own words, Amber is a “Caucasianfemale from the Deep South of the United States, who was raised poverty, abuse, and chaos.” Sheis the Director of Spiritual Formation at Key City Church in Frederick, MD, as well as aSpiritual Director. Amber has a DMin in Leadership & Spiritual Formation from PortlandSeminary.