An Epiphany to Lament

Yesterday, the world watched as our nation's capital became the backdrop of a scene of insurrection, anarchy, and violence. As Trump supporters bent on disrupting the democratic process that would validate Joe Biden's presidential victory stormed the US Capitol building, many of us found ourselves shocked, angry, and grieved. Even worse, the presence of Christian crosses and signs, stating "Jesus Saves" and "Proud American Christian" exposed the complicity of the church in the foundations of white nationalism in stark and undeniable ways. Missio Alliance writers and voices took to social media to process what they were seeing and hearing; what follows is a compilation of their observations, commentaries, and laments.

Yesterday, the world watched as our nation's capital became the backdrop of a scene of insurrection, anarchy, and violence. As Trump supporters bent on disrupting the democratic process that would validate Joe Biden's presidential victory stormed the US Capitol building, many of us found ourselves shocked, angry, and grieved. Even worse, the presence of Christian crosses and signs, stating "Jesus Saves" and "Proud American Christian" exposed the complicity of the church in the foundations of white nationalism in stark and undeniable ways. Missio Alliance writers and voices took to social media to process what they were seeing and hearing; what follows is a compilation of their observations, commentaries, and laments.

Editor’s Note: Yesterday, the world watched as our nation’s capital became the backdrop of a scene of insurrection, anarchy, and violence. As Trump supporters bent on disrupting the democratic process that would validate Joe Biden’s presidential victory stormed the US Capitol building, many of us found ourselves shocked, angry, and grieved. Even worse, the presence of Christian crosses and signs stating “Jesus Saves” and “Proud American Christian,” which exposed the complicity of the church in the foundations of white nationalism in stark and undeniable ways. Missio Alliance writers and voices took to social media to process what they were seeing and hearing; what follows is a compilation of their observations, commentaries, and laments.

Lastly, our own official response here at Missio Alliance, written by our national director Lisa Rodriguez Watson:

As we continue into 2021, we hope and pray that our words and actions here at Missio Alliance will continue to spur the church on to a deeper understanding of the forces at work here in our nation, a clearer repudiation of the sin that has entangled American Christians for hundreds of years, and a purer posture of lament and humility so that we can truly heal from that which continues to keeps us divided and broken.

Don’t miss our forthcoming online event, “Resilience, Race, and Resistance”—for more information, click here!

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.