ANNOUNCING 3rd Annual MISSIONAL LEARNINGS COMMONS: A Missional Non/Conference Jan 8-9 2010

-1Amazing! We’re doing it again. A bunch of us missional pastors/leaders/church planters are gathering in Ft Wayne, Indiana to encourage each other and discuss the stuff of doing missional church as communities. We call it a Non/Conference because there are no fees, no paid speakers and big sponsors selling stuff. –  IT’S FREE!!!! – It’s just a bunch of people gathering to pray, talk Missional church and encourage one another in the Spirit. This year, on the Friday night, we’re gathering to discuss the questions of racism and diversity in missional church. We’re reading Soong-Chan Rah’s book The Next Evangelicalism. If you come to this, be sure to have read the book, and be prepared for some serious theological/cultural engagement. On Saturday, the day is wide open for conversations led by various pastor/leaders. NO PREPARATION NEEDED – JUST COME AND JOIN IN!! The theme is “Deeper Church: Churches as Whole Communities.” See Saturday’s schedule below.We’re meeting at Westview Alliance Church in Ft. Wayne (you can find a map on the Facebook page – if you aren’t a Facebooker yet, just open an account and friend me 🙂 and then you’ll have access to the page). If you’re looking for places to stay for Friday night, there are hotels in Ft Wayne and other friends on Facebook who might be able to help. Check out info on the missional commons website.
We had a big turn out last year. It was a great time. So spread the word. And if you’re going to show up let us know via the Facebook Page, or e-mail me at We need to have a rough estimate of how many people are coming.

Looking forward to seeing many of you good friends in the new Missional Meca of the Midwest – Ft Wayne Indiana. (Sorry for the excess enthusiasm 😉 )


Saturday Schedule January 9, 2010

Session One
Crucial Practices for Deeper Churches Chris Smith/Ben Sternke
How do Eucharist/worship and communal economics shape us into missional people and further God’s mission in our local communities?

Session Two
Sharing a Deeper Gospel in Post-Christian Contexts David Fitch/Jeremy Dowsett
What does it look like to share the good news after evangelicalism? What kinds of practices, language, and metaphors does faithful evangelism in post-Christian settings call for?

Session Three
Should Deeper Churches Have Paid Staff? Panel discussion
What are the strengths and weaknesses of bi-vocational leadership in missional communities? What kinds of skills and practices make it viable over the long haul?

Session Four

How Can Deeper Churches Become Multi-Ethnic? David Fitch
Have white concerns and values shaped the missional/emerging movement? How can we move forward to more faithfully embody the Revelation vision of every tribe, nation, and tongue?

The Itinerary

8:30 a.m.     Introductions & Opening Prayers

9:00 a.m.     “Practices” Presentation (20 min)
Small group discussions (40 min)
Large group debriefing (15 min)

10:15 a.m.    Coffee break—informal conversation

10:30 a.m.    “Good News” Presentation (30 min)
Small group discussions (25 min)
Large group Q&A/discussion (25 min)

11:50 a.m.     Lunch (local restaurants)

1:15 p.m.    “Paid Staff” Panel Discussion (30 min)
Large group Q&A/discussion (45 min)

2:30 p.m.    Coffee break—informal conversation

2:45 p.m.    “Multi-Ethnic” presentation (20 min)
Interview voices of color (20 min)
Large group Q&A/discussion (30 min)

3:55 p.m.    Benediction/Being Sent Out for Mission

David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape...