Announcing Missional Learning Commons 2013: Coming Oct 25, 26th (A Non Conference for Mutual Colaborating in Mission)




One of our biggest challenges to shaping church in mission is leading our churches into actually engaging God’s mission in our surrounding neighborhoods. To quote Dan White Jr. on this blog earlier this week, the “stubbornness to live connected, generous, vulnerable lives w/ our neighbors is the greatest challenge and deficit” of missional church today.

How do the people of God become “present” in “everyday life contexts,” whether that be in the neighborhood, work, civic discussions, family, etc.? This years’ Missional Commons seeks to explore how we lead our churches to be present in the places where God has placed us so that reconciliation breaks out, the gospel is heralded, and God’s Kingdom becomes visible and goes forth among us.

We’ll be meeting as we always do, on the weekend before Halloween, Friday Oct 25th, Saturday Oct 26th. We’ll be meeting at the Commons in Westmont (home of Peace of Christ church)  instead of Lindner Conference Center at Northern Seminary. This is because there were some conflicts with pre-bookings there. This new setting, right in downtown Westmont, provides a great location, nearby restaurants etc., and is only 4 miles from Northern and all the favorite hotels etc..

Below is a schedule. Presenters names etc are to follow but you and your conversation will be the “star attraction.” You can register here via the FB page we just put up a few days ago. SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS!! eh? We know this will be a great time of fellowship!

Engaging the Neighborhood: 3 Tactics for Leading the Local Church into the Real World



Open time to connect over dinner. Come to WESTMONT COMMONS at 5pm and we will go out from there.

7:30pm – The Virtue of Dialogue – A Night with Chris Smith – The Art of developing conversations in the neighborhood over the long term
(presentation, conversation, dialogue) Make sure to read e-book The Virtue of Dialogue by Chris Smith available on Amazon.
9:00p – OPEN TIME
Open time to continue discussions and meet new people (at local bars/restaurants)

SAT OCT 26 (8:30am – 3:00pm)

8:30a – Psalm 46 (God is present) Lectio Divina – Prayer –Invocation and Welcome

9:00 a – Leading Your Church Into the Neighborhood (Theological Intro)

9:30 a The Tactic of “Being Present” in the Neighborhood
15 minutes Theology of presence
15 minutes Testimonial on doing it in neighborhood
15 minutes at Tables discussion
30 minutes Large group discussion

10:45a – The Tactic of “Reconciliation” in the Neighborhood
15 minutes Theology of reconciliation/conflict and inbreaking
15 minutes Testimonial of doing it in neighborhood
15 minutes at Tables discussion
30 minutes Large group discussion

12:15p – LUNCH ( LUKE 10 Project/Ekklesia Network/Missio Alliance Presentation)

Get to know new people over a meal together

1:30p – The Tactic of “Heralding Gospel” in the Neighborhood
15 minutes Theology of proclamation/herald/gospel
15 minutes Testimonial of doing it in neighborhood
15 minutes at Tables discussion
30 minutes Large group discussion

2:45p – Prayer for the neighborhoods & Sending out into the Neighborhoods


David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape...