Latest Articles

The Church’s Call to Justice (w/ Amy Graham & Justin Fung)
How Do We Believe? Thoughts on Belief and How It Functions by Slavoj Zizek
MissioLife with Scot McKnight and Chris Folmsbee
The Five Equippers of Churches- JR Woodward

Dirty Theology: Lessons on Justice, Grace, & God in the Dirt (w/ Christine Sine & A.J. Swoboda)
What Is The Missional DNA?- Alan Hirsch
Stanley Hauerwas on Bonhoeffer
The Type of Party The Kingdom Throws- Noel Castellanos

Scandal of the Brethren: Binary and Church
N.T Wright Responds To John Piper
Reaching Our Gay Neighbors With Love And Acceptance- Bruxy Cavey

Gender & Leadership in Missional Perspective (w/ Cherith Fee-Nordling & Scot McKnight)
How Should We Define Evangelicalism? Scot McKnight Gives Some Thoughts On This
Richard Foster on Love

The Scandal of the Mennonite Memory
Race, Leadership, Identity- Efrem Smith
![Featured image for “Eugene Peterson [VIDEO]: The Difference Between “Studying” and “Reading” the Bible”](
Eugene Peterson [VIDEO]: The Difference Between “Studying” and “Reading” the Bible

Revitalization-Reformation-Restoration: W(h)ither Global Renewal in a Post-Christendom World?

The Good News of God’s People in the World: Toward a Kingdom Ecclesiology
How To Preach To People of Peace- Jo Saxton
What Is The Content of Discipleship?- Alan Hirsch
Bruxy Cavey on The Content of The Secret
N.T Wright- The Atonement Debate

Creativity, Crisis, Power, & Poverty: Experiments in Starting Churches Through Mission (w/ Gideon Tsang & John Chandler)
Amazing Grace: Cultural Differences in Protestant Theology- Thoughts by Christena Cleveland
Scot McKnight on the New Perspective
Dallas Willard on Doubt and Belief
War, American History, and The Christian- Stanley Hauerwas

Embracing the Generosity of Christian Pluralism (w/ Amos Yong & Gary Black)
To Garden With God… Connecting Nature With God- Christine Sine
Women and Ministry from Scripture and History: Ben Witherington III
N.T Wright on Charles Darwin

Discipleship and the Kingdom (w/ Todd Hunter & Keith Matthews)
Asian American Ministry and the Present- Thoughts by Soong-Chan Rah

The Holiest in our Midst: Your Neighbor
What Is The Future of the Church? Alan Hirsch shares his thoughts.
What Is A Missional Community?- Scot McKnight Explains.

The Mission of God and the Future of Theological Education (w/ John Franke & JR Rozko)
Your Children in Your Missional Community- Jo Saxton
What Does It Mean To Be A Radical Disciple In The World Today?-Bruxy Cavey
Understanding Leadership & The Future Through Dr. Martin Luther King- Howard-John Wesley
N.T Wright on Debate About Homosexuality

Missional Communities: Fad, Fiction, or Fact? (w/ Jo Saxton & Michael Rudzena)
Church Planting Initiative- Thoughts by JR Woodward
Justin Fung on Faith & Religious Life Through Millennial Eyes
How Modern Evangelism Creates Consumers- Thoughts by Alan Hirsch
Why Is Unity In Mission So Important? Leroy Barber Tells Us Why
Are Atonement Theories Like Golf Clubs?- Thoughts by Scot McKnight

Living Missionally in a Borderless World: The Need for Informed Multicultural Mission (w/ Leroy Barber & Gary Nelson)
Why We Should Look For People of Peace- Thoughts by Jo Saxton

The Renewal of the Political? The Holy Spirit and the Public Square
David Fitch on Contextual Theology and Why We Need To Learn It
What Role Does The Bible Have In Society? (Dempsey Rosales-Acosta, Tim Keller, Alister McGrath, & Brian McLaren)
What Happens When You Die? -Bruxy Cavey Shares His Thoughts
Is the Church culturally relevant or culturally captive? Thoughts with Soong-Chan Rah
Who Wants to Start a Conversation?
Effective Ministry Takes Time: Thoughts by Noel Castellanos
What Is Christian Leadership? Thoughts by Stanley Hauerwas
Releasing Ordinary People For Movements- Mike Breen, Jo Saxton, Alan Hirsch, Jeff Vanderstelt