Missio Alliance
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Awakenings 2025
The Latest
Missio Alliance
Universalism & Evangelicalism- Thoughts by Scot McKnight
Missio Alliance
A Magnificent Model of Motherhood- Words From Howard-John Wesley
Missio Alliance
The New Face of Evangelicalism. Great Thoughts by Soong-Chan Rah on Diversity, the Future, & Evangelicalism
Missio Alliance
Breaking Judgments of Gay People- Thoughts by Bruxy Cavey
Missio Alliance
Karl Barth As a Way Beyond the Anabaptist/Neo-Reformed Divide (w/ Scott Jones & Matthew Warren)
Missio Alliance
The Book of Jonah- Great Insights by Scott Daniels
Missio Alliance
Do We Have To Reclaim Paul? Tim Keel And John Franke Offer Thoughts.
Missio Alliance
The Kingdom of God- A Seedy Business
Missio Alliance
The Cross Creates A Paradox- Thoughts by A.J Swoboda
Missio Alliance
Women In Leadership- Thoughts From Jo Saxton
Missio Alliance
Planting Urban Churches: Embodying a Theological Vision for Mission in Cities (w/ Felipe Assis, Kevin Haah & Aaron Graham)
Missio Alliance
How Does Society Marginalize The Church? Alan Hirsch Explains
Missio Alliance
JR Woodward Explains How We Can Know Our Gift
Missio Alliance
Known for our Parties? God is!
Missio Alliance
“Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus” Bruxy Cavey Responds
Missio Alliance
What To Do When It’s Over- Howard-John Wesley Talks About Ending Relationships
Missio Alliance
Parable From Hell- Scot McKnight Offers Some Thoughts On Hell
Missio Alliance
People and Places: Contextualizing the Missional Message (w/ Karen Wilk, Helen Lee, & Justin Fung)
Missio Alliance
David Fitch & Geoff Holsclaw on Doug Pagitt Radio
Missio Alliance
Christian Witness in a Pluralistic World: Renewing Christian Faith
Missio Alliance
How Can We Disciple The Next Generation? Jo Saxton Offers Her Thoughts.
Missio Alliance
The Myth of Extending the Table
Missio Alliance
Pentecostalism & Political Theology- Thoughts from Amos Yong
Missio Alliance
What Does It Mean To Be Human? Stanley Hauerwas Answers
Missio Alliance
Gender & Leadership in God’s New Creation: Personal Stories and Theological Perspectives (w/ Cherith Fee-Nordling and Fred Harrell)
Missio Alliance
A Black Missional Critique of the Missional Movement
Missio Alliance
An Interview On Being A Missional Mom- Helen Lee
Missio Alliance
A Bloody Kind of Peace: Dexter’s Gospel
Missio Alliance
Action & Contemplation- Thoughts with Christine Sine
Missio Alliance
Howard John-Wesley on Trayvon Martin & LGBTQ
Missio Alliance
Reconciling Spirituality & Sexuality (w/ Deb & Alan Hirsch)
Missio Alliance
N.T Wright on Women in Ministry
Missio Alliance
Female Asian-Americans: Finding a Voice. Thoughts by Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Missio Alliance
What Is The Future of the Church?- Jo Saxton offers her thoughts.
Missio Alliance
Sex, God, & Sex Education- Thoughts by Bruxy Cavey
Missio Alliance
Fresh Expressions of Church: Incarnational Mission for Every Church (w/ Ben Jamison, Habacuc Diaz-Lopez, & Gannon Sims)
Missio Alliance
Cultivating a Community-Based Communication Team
Missio Alliance
The Holy Spirit and the Middle Way: Pentecostalism in a Pluralistic World. Thoughts by Amos Yong.
Missio Alliance
Forming Scriptural Imagination. A conversation w/ Richard Hays, Stanley Hauerwas & others.
Missio Alliance
When God Doesn’t Make Sense- Thoughts by Howard John-Wesley
Missio Alliance
How Do We See The Revelation of God? Thoughts by Karl Barth
Missio Alliance
From the Lands of Oz and Ice: Perspectives on the Life of the Church After Christendom (w/ Alan Hirsch & Gary Nelson)
Missio Alliance
Are There Limitations To Democracy? John Howard Yoder Answers.
Missio Alliance
What Is The Gospel? (N.T Wright Answers)
Missio Alliance
Missional, Creative, & Multiethnic Ministry- A Dialogue with Eugene Cho & Gideon Tsang
Missio Alliance
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Leadership: Discerning and Declaring God’s Voice (w/ Jo Saxton & A.J. Swoboda)
Missio Alliance
Can We Trust The Bible? Bruxy Cavey Answers.
Missio Alliance
Should Churches Take a Public Position on LGBTQ Issues?
Missio Alliance
On Being Present & Faithful: With the LGBTQ People Among Us (w/ David Fitch & Deb Hirsch)
Missio Alliance
Planting Missional, Kingdom-Oriented, Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Socioeconomic Churches (w/ Don Coleman & Kevin Haah)