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Awakenings 2025
The Latest
David Fitch
Chastening the mantra “God is at work in the world”: Lessons from WW2
David Fitch
Membership Has Its Practices: Membership in Missional Communities After Christendom
David Fitch
The Failed Arizona Anti-Gay Legislation: The Lesson for Christian Mission
David Fitch
On Fundamentally Changing the Expectations of Church-Planting
David Fitch
“God Used You To Destroy My World”: Preaching and Spiritual Formation
David Fitch
Quit Sending Individuals Out As Missionaries: The Kingdom Starts With Communities
David Fitch
“I Don’t Like Singing”: What Don Miller Misses About Singing in Worship?
David Fitch
The Dynamics of the Way Congregations Form: My New Course at Fuller
David Fitch
Ecclesia Network and Me: A Personal Testimonial
David Fitch
We’re Excessively Confused About Love: The Grammys 2014 As a Liturgy for Our Time
David Fitch
Is the Church Jesus? Arguing for a Closer Relationship between Jesus, His Reign and the Church, and being alright with that!
David Fitch
In honor of Dr Martin Luther King
David Fitch
Zizek, the Space In-Between, and Mission
David Fitch
DMin Seminar Week: I’ll Be Back Posting The Week of January 13th!
David Fitch
Ten Best Theological Posts of 2013
David Fitch
The Lesson of Driscoll’s Plagiarism: A Rant On Rejecting Celebrity Leadership
David Fitch
What is Your Theology of Sexuality? 5 Questions
David Fitch
How Apologetics Hurts Our Witness
David Fitch
Can I Play God? The Temptation That Is In Andy Crouch’s Book
David Fitch
A Missional Community Diagnostic
David Fitch
Authority in The Kingdom is Different
David Fitch
Preparing for MissionaryHood
David Fitch
How Do Churches Choose Its Leaders?
David Fitch
No Twitter, No Facebook, No Blog. I’m on The Road To Indiana and Ohio
David Fitch
Discussing Shop – The Line-Up for Next Week’s MLC
David Fitch
5 Tips on Keeping Bi-Vocational Ministry from Imploding
David Fitch
Nothing is as important as “PRESENCE”
David Fitch
The Start-With-Twelve ‘Strategy’
David Fitch
The Space Between MLK and Malcolm X: What the Missional Church Can Learn about Racial Reconciliation
David Fitch
What the Missional Church is Missing: Proclaiming the Gospel?
David Fitch
Lost in Translation Part 2: The Gathering Function of Leadership
David Fitch
The Perils of Doing a Ph.D.: Be Forewarned
David Fitch
There’s a Nagging Disconnect Between Neighborhood and Church
David Fitch
Lost in Translation: 5 Over-reactions in the Missional Church
David Fitch
What’s Happening In The Weeks Ahead
David Fitch
The Holy Angst of Dislocation
David Fitch
Announcing Missional Learning Commons 2013: Coming Oct 25, 26th (A Non Conference for Mutual Colaborating in Mission)
David Fitch
“Knitting While Detroit Burns?”: The Reformed “Both/And” versus the Anabaptist “First/ Then”
David Fitch
David Fitch
The UnKingdom of God: a book by Mark Van Steenwyk: Therapy for Living the Modern Life Under His Rule
David Fitch
Create a New ‘Order’ of Clergy: A Recommendation to Denominations
David Fitch
The Missional Movement is Mostly White and What We Should Do About it. Warning: Blog Post by A White Male
David Fitch
How To Avoid Becoming a Cult (or for that matter A Large Consumer Mega Church): Oikos versus Ekklesia
David Fitch
The State of the Missional Conversation is Not Good: Has the Neo-Reformed Quit Talking?
David Fitch
The Proliferation of Missional Roundtables: See You in the Twin Cities Next Weekend
David Fitch
Working on Site Redesign
David Fitch
Signs the Spirit Has Left the Building by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
Scot McKnight Starts a D.MIn Program in New Testament
David Fitch
Why Do American Christians Prefer Big? by David Fitch
David Fitch
The Three Biggest Fears We Face When Seeding a MIssional Community by David Fitch
David Fitch
Bi-vocationalism as guerrilla warfare: 5 thoughts by Geoff Holsclaw
David Fitch
Egalitarianism (feminism) leads to Liberalism: Why I’m for Abolishing the Whole Egalitarian/Complementarian Logic
David Fitch
The Church Gathering Should be Like a Good AA Meeting
David Fitch
My Interview With Frank Viola
David Fitch
Not Blogging This Week Because …
David Fitch
The Pain and the Opportunity in the SGM Scandal by David Fitch
David Fitch
Project versus Presence: Leading Our Churches into Engaging the Neighborhood by David Fitch
David Fitch
When Team Leading Fails by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
Learning to live in love: The center of discipleship by Matt Tebbe
David Fitch
Heading for Cleveland!!