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Awakenings 2025
The Latest
David Fitch
Blog Tour For Prodigal Christianity: Begins Monday
David Fitch
The 3, the 12 and the 120
David Fitch
Making Peace with the Bridge … for Now… by Geoff Holsclaw
David Fitch
Writing from Within Your Life: Each Year 3 Million Books are Published (by David Fitch)
David Fitch
Is the Kingdom Outside the Church? Yes and Here’s Why: My Take on Matt 25 by David Fitch
David Fitch
My Pushback on APEST: A Retrospect by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
Frank Viola’s Unpredictable Next Book
David Fitch
Sentness Extends Authority: Exploring what it means to be sent.
David Fitch
Me and Mr (Tony) Jones: We Got A Thing Goin On
David Fitch
Why Saying “Emergent is the New Protestant Mainline” Is Really No Big Deal: Labeling is Good For Theological Discourse by David Fitch
David Fitch
Looking For Church Planter Training that is Missional?
David Fitch
On Becoming Political Organizers for the Kingdom: The Missional Phobia of Gathering A Crowd
David Fitch
Being a Pastor Does Not Have To Be a Death Sentence by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
APEST: Not So Fast! : A PushBack on APEST as a Model For Church Leadership by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
Working Out the Anabaptist View on Same Sex Marriage
David Fitch
Initiating People Into the Kingdom: Catechism at Life on the Vine by Cyd Holsclaw
David Fitch
Is Tim Keller a Closet Niebuhrian? Post #2 on Center Church by David Fitch
David Fitch
Here’s Some (Cheap) Events Worth Going To In the Midwest
David Fitch
Feel Good Justice?:The Problem of Starbuck’s Logic in the Church by David Fitch
David Fitch
Going Beyond The Current Polarities: An Immoderate Proposal
David Fitch
Is the church a place to hear good preaching? or more “prodigal” than that?
David Fitch
Robert Farrar Capon on Confession of Sin by MattTebbe
David Fitch
The Example of Lawndale Christian Community: Four Lessons to Learn for Every Missional Leader
David Fitch
The Challenge of Being The Church in the World by David Fitch
David Fitch
Three Ways to Keep Your Sheep From Getting Stolen by Chris Morton
David Fitch
Ignore Ideology at Your Own Risk: One More Look at the LGBTQ Debate.
David Fitch
The Doctor of – Missional Church – Ministry Continues to Grow
David Fitch
I Quit… by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
Mega Churches Steal Sheep: My Ongoing Debate With Ed Stetzer
David Fitch
Missional? Not Another Program At Your Local Church
David Fitch
What we HOPE ‘Missional’ Could Mean by Geoff Holsclaw
David Fitch
The Grace to Do Nothing: On Social Justice in the Neighborhood
David Fitch
Prodigal Christianity: Why We Wrote This Book
David Fitch
Gary Nelson on Canadians, Mission and the Missio Alliance
David Fitch
Is the Gospel the Center of the Church or is Jesus? Dialoguing with Tim Keller’s Center Church
David Fitch
“Hugging the Cactus” As Gateway to the Gospel by Matt Tebbe
David Fitch
Bruxy Cavey, the Anabaptist Vision and Mission
David Fitch
Mission Statement or Shared Imagination? How We Gather by David Fitch
David Fitch
Mission Hidden in Plain Sight: The Gospel in Everyday Life by Cyd Holsclaw
David Fitch
Fresh Expressions Coming to the Midwest
David Fitch
Me and the Ideology of Sex: Some Reflection on Yesterday’s Post
David Fitch
“Regarding LGBTQ, What is Your Position?” “I Don’t Have One”
David Fitch
Contextual Theology and Why Seminaries Should Do It by David Fitch
David Fitch
Are the Neo-Reformed/Evangelicals Niebuhrians? and therefore ill equipped for Post-Christendom?
David Fitch
Missional Church Needs More Substantive Theology!
David Fitch
Do We Still Need “Home Visitations” in Post-Christendom? by Ty Grigg
David Fitch
“God Used You To Destroy My World”: Preaching and Spiritual Formation
David Fitch
Taking This Blog to The Next Thing: Announcing Changes for The New Year 2013
David Fitch
3 Signs You Are Not A Leader (in the Kingdom)
David Fitch
When Nihilism Visits the Shopping Mall: A Brief Word to Missional Communities During Advent
David Fitch
On Going to the Sick (in the Neighborhood)
David Fitch
The Groucho Marx Theory of Church
David Fitch
Lance Ford’s “UnLeader”: Deconstructing what “leadership” has become in the N. American church.
David Fitch
Learning a “Way of Life” Is Step One in Planting a Missional Community
David Fitch
Proclaiming Gospel: Preaching on Sunday as Practice for the Rest of the Week
David Fitch
Proclaiming the Gospel as Reality-Creating Event: or 3 reasons why this is not your parent’s evangelism.
David Fitch
D. Min Missional : Announcing the New Cohort for 2013 ( and Scot McKnight Joins Us!)
David Fitch
Proclaiming the Gospel in The Neighborhood
David Fitch
My Post-Election Review of Peter Leithart’s “Between Babel and Beast”
David Fitch
We Don’t Vote for Persons. We Vote for Commericals. Why Voting is not as important as the Lord’s Table – and we should start living like it.