Doug Paul

In my day-to-day work as an Innovation Strategist, I work with organizations like Catapult, Auxano, the NewThing Network, the ECO denomination, Exponential, 100 Movements, Crossroads Cincy, Christ Together, Younique, and a host of other orgs, including some of the fastest growing and innovative churches in the Western church. In a past life I served as the Global Content Director for 3DM, I’ve planted a multiplying missional church, was a Teaching Pastor at a mega church and led a church to a multichurch model (before multi-site was a thing). While I no longer work there full time, I continue to serve as a pastor and elder of a local church in the inner city of Richmond, VA, where my wife, three kids and a Great Dane live. It is a racially and socially economically diverse church, focusing our mission on two square miles of real estate that just happen to have the 6th highest concentration of poverty in the United States.

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