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Awakenings 2025
The Latest
Geoff Holsclaw
Why Asking the Wrong Question Leads to a Deficient Gospel
Geoff Holsclaw
Discipleship as Brain-Building
Geoff Holsclaw
The 1 Thing We Forget About Jesus’ Baptism During Epiphany
Geoff Holsclaw
A Brief Theology of Walls
Geoff Holsclaw
3 Forgotten Reasons Jesus Died
Geoff Holsclaw
The Last Evangelical
Geoff Holsclaw
Who We Keep Leaving Out of Advent
Geoff Holsclaw
Man to Man: 5 Reasons I’m Going to SheLeads
Geoff Holsclaw
The False “Moral Authority” of Robert Jeffress
Geoff Holsclaw
Words of Terror: “Dad, I’m in love…”
Geoff Holsclaw
How The Trinity Makes a Decision
Geoff Holsclaw
Three Failing Strategies Being Used to Redefine the Trinity
Geoff Holsclaw
Don’t Crash the Trinity: The Form of God and Form of a Servant
Geoff Holsclaw
Is Trump the End of Evangelicalism?
Geoff Holsclaw
Eternal Submission? Thinking (all the way) Through the Issue
Geoff Holsclaw
Five Ways White Males Can Use their White Male Privilege Opportunity
Geoff Holsclaw
“Stop Talking about Hell, it’s the Money”: Economics/Politics of Grace
Geoff Holsclaw
The Baptism of the Lord and Learning to Live #TrulyHuman
Geoff Holsclaw
Grieving For Ferguson and Beyond
Geoff Holsclaw
Evangelism and the Missional Church – Event
Geoff Holsclaw
The Fall as FALSE UNITY: Beginning with Babel
Geoff Holsclaw
Evangelical Influencers: A Mirror into our Future
Geoff Holsclaw
Against Revelation; or On the Power of God’s Word
Geoff Holsclaw
Evangelism is…more than you thought.
Geoff Holsclaw
The Baptisms of Jesus; by Water, Fire, and Blood
Geoff Holsclaw
The Scandal of the Evangelical Memory, Part 5 of 5
Geoff Holsclaw
The Scandal of the Evangelical Memory, Part 4 of 5
Geoff Holsclaw
Scandal of the Evangelical Memory, Part 3 of 5
Geoff Holsclaw
The Scandal of the Evangelical Memory, Part 2 of 5
Geoff Holsclaw
The Scandal of the Evangelical Memory, part 1 of 5