KrisAnne Swartley
KrisAnne Swartley is pastor for the missional journey at Doylestown Mennonite Church in Bucks County, PA. She is also a pianist, vocalist and worship leader. She and her husband have two children and a rescue mutt named Reesie, who keep them active and laughing. They enjoy gardening, planting trees and hiking in their 10-acre woods. One of KrisAnne’s greatest joys is watching people wake up to God’s Presence in their lives.
KrisAnne Swartley
KrisAnne Swartley is pastor for the missional journey at Doylestown Mennonite Church in Bucks County, PA. She is also a pianist, vocalist and worship leader. She and her husband have two children and a rescue mutt named Reesie, who keep them active and laughing. They enjoy gardening, planting trees and hiking in their 10-acre woods. One of KrisAnne’s greatest joys is watching people wake up to God’s Presence in their lives.