Verlon Fosner
Dr. Verlon Fosner has lead a progressive congregation in Seattle, Washington since 1999. In recent years the congregation transitioned from a traditional proclamation church into a multi-site Dinner Church called Community Dinners ( Verlon holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and has written several books: “Dinner Church”, “Dinner Church Handbook”, and “Welcome to Dinner, Church."
Verlon Fosner
Dr. Verlon Fosner has lead a progressive congregation in Seattle, Washington since 1999. In recent years the congregation transitioned from a traditional proclamation church into a multi-site Dinner Church called Community Dinners ( Verlon holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and has written several books: “Dinner Church”, “Dinner Church Handbook”, and “Welcome to Dinner, Church."