May 15, 2020 / Daniel Maat

Bethany Becker

Bethany Becker lives in Fairfield, Ohio. In her own words, Bethany’s “roots are Appalachian and as White as you can get, meaning I was raised to be loyal, loving, and hospitable, but with an ‘us vs. them’ mentality.” She recently transitioned from an Associate Pastor role at 21st Century Church in Cincinnati, OH to focus on family and writing. Bethany has a BA in English Literature from Wright State University.

Bethany Becker lives in Fairfield, Ohio. In her own words, Bethany’s “roots are Appalachian and as White as you can get, meaning I was raised to be loyal, loving, and hospitable, but with an ‘us vs. them’ mentality.” She recently transitioned from an Associate Pastor role at 21st Century Church in Cincinnati, OH to focus on family and writing. Bethany has a BA in English Literature from Wright State University.

Bethany Becker lives in Fairfield, Ohio. In her own words, Bethany’s “roots are Appalachian and as White as you can get, meaning I was raised to be loyal, loving, and hospitable, but with an ‘us vs. them’ mentality.” She recently transitioned from an Associate Pastor role at 21st Century Church in Cincinnati, OH to focus on family and writing. Bethany has a BA in English Literature from Wright State University.