Blog Tour For Prodigal Christianity: Begins Monday

Prodigal Christianity Cover GIF-1Geoff Holsclaw and I are pleased our book Prodigal Christianity finally arrived these past few months. Now that there has been enough time for people to read and digest it, we’re launching a blog tour that will feature people’s reflections, engagements, and criticism of all 10 of our Signposts, beginning next Monday. Below is the schedule and then the biographies of those on the tour. If you are reading the book, won’t you join us in the discussion Geoff and I hope to be interacting with with every post!

5/20 Signpost 1 (Kevin Scott)
5/22 Signpost 2 (Joshua Henry Lee)
5/27 Signpost 3 (Seth Richardson)
5/29 Signpost 4 (Robert Martin)
6/03 Signpost 5 (Fred Liggins/Josh Rowley)  
6/05 Signpost 6 (Kevin Williams/Robert Martin)  
6/10 Signpost 7 (JR Woodward/ Timothy Stidham)
6/12 Signpost 8 (Zach Hoag/Josh Rowley)
6/17 Signpost 9 (Wende Lance)
6/19 Signpost 10 (Scott Kent Jones/Scott Emory)
6/24 Epilogue (Fred Liggins).
Tour Authors:

Tim Stidham is the pastor of NewHope Community Church (NW Indiana). He is the adjunct professor of Homiletics at Olivet Nazarene University. He received his D.Min in Preaching from Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) and blogs at

Robert Martin, by day, is a middle-aged software validation analyst in a small software company in Southeastern Pennsylvania. By night (or rather always), he is the Abnormally Anabaptist, trying his best to humbly follow God, examine life (his own especially), and seek to help others find and follow the King of Kings. He blogs at

Fred Liggins is a husband, father, friend, activist, coffee-drinker, beard-promoter, comma-lover, and bi-vocational pastor with Williamsburg Christian Church. He blogs at

JR Woodward is the co-founder of Ecclesia Network and Missio Alliance, Director of Church Planting – V3, Author of Creating a Missional Cultureand Phd Student at the University of Manchester.  He blogs at

Wende Lance, after seven years in ministry at a traditional church in Ashland, Ohio, resigned her position to pursue a more missional lifestyle. Currently, she co-leads a missional community, continues her DMin studies at Northern Seminary, works as a realtor, and blogs sporadically at

Kevin Scott is co-pastor of a sustainable church plant in Noblesville, Indiana, acquisitions editor for Wesleyan Publishing House, and a frequent speaker on how God brings redemption and healing in pockets of the kingdom. Kevin writes about sustainable Christianity at and is author of the forthcoming book, ReCreatable: How God Heals the Brokenness of Life (Kregel, March 2014).

Seth Richardson is an Anglican with anabaptist proclivities. His home base is St. Andrew’s Church in Little Rock, Arkansas where he oversees discipleship-related things. Seth has also been an adjunct instructor of hermeneutics at Ouachita Baptist University, and sometimes he explores lived theology on his blog, This Place.

Joshua Lee Henry is a missional leadership coach and also leads several ministries with Pathway Community Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He blogs at

Kevin Williams is the Minister of Evangelism at The Branch Church in Farmers Branch, Texas. He has two degrees from Abilene Christian University, a BA and MA in Christian Ministry, and most recently an MRE in Missional Leadership from Rochester College. Kevin and his wife, Jill, live in Dallas, TX and he blogs at

Josh Rowley is a pastor (teaching elder) in the Presbyterian Church (USA). For the past nine and a half years he has been serving with a church in San Carlos, California, and in June he will begin a new call in Vancouver, Washington (First Presbyterian). He have degrees from the University of Colorado, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary (where he studied missional leadership under Al Roxburgh and Mark Lau Branson). I blog

Scott is an avid reader of both theology and culture who has been taught more by his special needs students than he is aware. He has been attempting to cultivate communities of Jesus-followers in his hometown of Syracuse alongside his wife and three daughters. Blog:

David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape...