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Awakenings 2025
The Latest
Karina Kreminski
What Must The Church Do In Times Of Global Turbulence?
Fred Liggin
An Atheist, A Pastor, and the Presence of God’s Spirit Between Us
Graham Joseph Hill
7 Practices for Hearing and Responding to the Margins (Especially During Elections)
Dennis R. Edwards
The Crucial Gift
Karina Kreminski
The Subversive Act Of Friendship
Mandy Smith
Six Pieces of Weird Christian Baggage Still Worth Redeeming
Tara Beth Leach
I Hunger and Thirst for Revival: A Pastor’s Confession
Jason Butler
Stop Trying to Control God’s Uncontrollable Tactics for Reconciliation
Dusty Wallace
For People Exhausted by the Negative Perception of the Church
Chris Backert
Do You Even Want Revival?
Jared Siebert
The Big Problem with Barna’s Study on Church Startups and Money
Nijay Gupta
The Lord’s Prayer, A Missional Reading: Thy Kingdom Come
Karina Kreminski
Four Practices that Shape Us Into “Sent Ones”
Missio Alliance
The Never Ending Work of Church Reformation
Ben Witherington
A Spirited Discussion: Waiting is Hard
Karen Wilk
Jesus’ Creed and a Missional Understanding of Discipleship
Carolyn Custis James
The Failure of Complementarian Manhood
Kris Beckert
The Best Words a Pastor Can Hear
Dan White
Starting New Communities for Mission
David Fitch
Tim Otto On The Idol of the Romanticized Sexualized American Nuclear Family
Kris Beckert
How I Learned to Love the Easter Parking Lot
Ruthie Johnson
A Lament to the “God Who Sees”
Mandy Smith
A Lenten Prayer for Mr. Trump
David Fitch
Donald Trump: What’s A Christian to Do?
Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
Four Reasons I Stand #withMalala
Mandy Smith
When Christians are Culturally Post-Christian
Dennis R. Edwards
Wasting Our Lives Glorifying Days Long Gone
Kyle Johnson
Is Non-Violence a Historic Christian Value?
Chris Morton
After Martin Shkreli: Three Ways to Respond to Those Who Offend Us
Karina Kreminski
Breaking through Evangelicalism’s Culture of Fear
Tara Beth Leach
When Abortion Suddenly Stopped Making Sense: The Church’s Response
Kris Beckert
Lonely Sunday: Single Christians and the Church’s Opportunity
MaryKate Morse
Do Large Christian Conferences Really Make a Difference? Reflections on Urbana15
Seth Richardson
A Church-less Mission?
JR Rozko
Can the (White) Church Hear Rev. King Today?
Efrem Smith
Revolutionary Love: The Weapon of Choice for Dr. King and the Church
David Fitch
The Professor Hawkins Controversy: On Why Wheaton College Has No Business Telling Muslims What They Believe
Karina Kreminski
Mary, Practicing Incarnation and Moving into the Neighborhood
Mandy Smith
Dance for the Healing to Come: The Strange Act of (Literally) Dancing in Lament
Kris Beckert
Billboard Christmas
Tara Beth Leach
Let Love Be Our Banner, Not Fear
Mandy Smith
A Memo to Languishing Prophets
Kyuboem Lee
Christian Witness in a Time of Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
JR Rozko
The Peace of Jesus: Symbol or Salvation
Karina Kreminski
Re-enchantment, the Incarnation and Sacred Spaces in the Neighborhood
Josiah Daniels
16 Shots and the Importance of Disruption
Tara Beth Leach
A Call For Joy (Even in the Dark Spaces of Our World)
Ruthie Johnson
Why Multiethnic? Imagining Together
Mandy Smith
Is the Church a Whore?
Missio Alliance
Theology On Mission Podcast #16: The Local Church is Going…Local
Nijay Gupta
Soong-Chan Rah Calls the American Church to Lament
Fred Liggin
Jesus Is My King Not My Concierge
Charles Self
Missional Insights from Unusual Places: Lessons from Pope Francis, Joel Osteen and Billy Graham
Karina Kreminski
Musings On The ‘One Guy’ Leadership Model
David Fitch
“I am a racist”: My Speech at the Church and Post-Christian Culture Conference
Ty Grigg
How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Billy Graham Rule and Love Like Jesus
Missio Alliance
Once & Future Mission Series
David Fitch
“Regarding LGBTQ, What is Your Position?” “I Don’t Have One”