Doug Pagitt is Coming!! and other things

Hey all, our regional emergent cohort Uprooted is sponsoring a visit next week with Doug Pagitt. He’ll be coming to the up/rooted north location at Life on the Vine in Long Grove Tuesday, February 27th at 7pm. Many of you know that Doug is a pastor of Solomon’s Porch, author of Church Re-Imagined, among other writings. He is also a leader of emergent. I look forward to a stimulating conversation about everything missional. So come on up and join us. I’ll be there. Geoff with be there. Jon Berbaum, our new coordinator for north will be there. LET’S TALK!!

Also, just to let everyone know. Next month, I’ll be up at the The Evolving Church: Restoring Justice in Toronto (see logo on the right sidebar) with Jim Wallis, Shane Claiborne and Ron Sider. Talk about a line-up. The date of the conference is March 24, 2007 at The Meeting House in Oakville. I’ll be doing a seminar on “community in but not of capitalism” going beyond what I wrote in my book the Great Giveaway on the same topic. I’ll be telling some stories, and talking about ways we have been subverted by late consumerist capitalism and how we can resist and witness to true justice in the world through alternative practices. In the next several weeks, I hope to post some snapshots of what I’ll be presenting at the conference. If anyone is coming, please let me know and I’d like to connect somehow.

I leave tomorrow for TACT, the Theology and Culture Thinkers group in Los Angeles. We’ll have Dallas Willard with us for some of the time. I’m honored to be going. I should have at least one post on spiritual formation from this stimulating time in LA.

David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape...