Dude – we’ll miss you: Michael Spencer 1956-2010
This hurts … losing a blogger friend like Internet Monk aka Michael Spencer. I read him often. He
did several things well. He criticized evangelicalism in a way that was graceful. I tried to learn how to do this by reading him (it ain’t totally happened yet). He was fair and balanced in his engagement with the Neo-Reformed ever being careful not to throw the Reformation under the bus and out with the bathwater. He did theology out of a care for on the ground ministry. These kind of theologians are hard to find. I did not know Michael face to face …………. but boy will I miss him.
Our prayers with Denise and the children. May they know the profound reality of Easter out of Romans ch. 8 – that “nothing can separate us from the love of God” in Christ Jesus.
Read his blog.
Buy his book.