Me and Phyllis Tickle? On the Future of the Church?




Uh, this may seem odd, pairing myself with Phyllis Tickle to talk about the future of the church in N. America. But I actually think this works. Phyllis is an Anglican, written a book on the future of the church called The Great Emergence. I’m an evangelical who has just written a book about evangelicalism in a crisis and the way forward to a new faithfulness. In other words I’ve just written a book on the future of the church too. Phyllis is a writer, cultural observer, spiritual formation expert, wise woman. I’m a pastor/professor/church planter. Phyllis is a wonderful petite woman who speaks gently but always with gravitas. I’m a talk large white man. Nuf said. Do you get the contrast?

But I’m really looking forward to this. In a way this is a replay and a chance to flesh out more some of the ideas I talked about here just a few weeks ago. if you’re in the Toronto area, join us won’t you?? You can register here.

P.S. I’m finally launching the new book The End of Evangelicalism? next week with a new web page that will offer a free download and a significant discount to the first 200 purchases. The book goes into general distribution in about two weeks. Thanks for everybody’s interest out there and for being patient!

David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape...