Natasha Sistrunk Robinson Recaps the #TrulyHuman Gathering at Christianity Today!

One of our Writing Team members and Truly Human presenters Natasha Sistrunk Robinson wrote a fantastic recap of the North American Gathering at Christianity Today. Here's an excerpt:

This month, the Missio Alliance hosted its second national conference at the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA. With the theme Being Truly Human: Re-imaging the Resurrectional Life, approximately 600 Christian leaders, pastors, advocates, scholars, and theologians gathered to contemplate the importance of living the resurrection in our daily lives as citizens in the kingdom of God.

The following are a few reflections on my experience:

Worth the Price of Admission

· Platform: This conference was intentionally diverse—including gender, race and ethnicity, and generational representation—in its conference platform

· Engagement: The conference offered several models of presentation and engagement. Experts presented during plenary sessions, while committing to more personal interaction and conversations during the forums and workshops. Several sub-gatherings were also offered for those interested in particular focus areas.

· Missio Alliance has taken the Synergy Women’s Network under its umbrella and has embraced the “blessed alliance” message from the prophetic voice of author and theologian Carolyn Custis James. This was the first national conference since the partnership, and I am looking forward to moving ahead with those committed to the idea of men and women working together to advance the kingdom of God.

Read Natasha's entire recap here!

[Image via Christianity Today]

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.