No SuperStars Here: Places I’ll Be in the Upcoming Months

On Fridays – I’ll be highlighting (occasionally) places where I’ll be participating and/or speaking at. I only travel once a month. For me it’s about commitment to the local organic Kingdom of God on the ground. I think many times good things happen at conferences. But when I become a conference speaker first, and pastor/nurturer of the Kingdom second, everything gets screwed up for me. I can’t live there. For me, therefore I need to choose wisely the conferences I speak at and/or attend. As Bob Hyatt says about many conferences( in one of the best posts on conference attending I’ve ever read – click here)  – “because of the very nature of the big stage, the inaccessible superstars, the cutting-edge everything, the end result is often men and women who leave thinking “If only I could speak like that. If only MY church was like that.” So, on the occasional Friday, I hope you won’t mind if I report on some conferences I’m speaking at. I’d like to let people know because I’d like to hang out with friends, get to know new friends, hear what God’s doing whenever I travel. With that in mind here’s a churchplanter training I’ll be at in May. See below!


The Ecclesia Net Church Planter Training Week
A theological and practical trajectory for missional church planting

Called Aggelos this is a unique church planter training opportunity.
As Bob Hyatt says (here) there will not be hundreds of people here. More than likely, there will be somewhere between 20-30. This means plenty of room for dialog, conversation, and questions amidst all of the planned training.
Everyone stays, eats, and prays together for the week. Most people leave with better friendships, some of which will be life-long, because they started the church planting journey – in this way – together.
There will be a host of different equippers with unique planting stories that ARE NOT SUPERSTARS. This gathering is real life every day church planting. You’ll hear from a variety of planters, both seasoned and new, and learn from their experiences and approaches.
Finally, we hope to provide a good balance of theology, theory, and practicality. Each component is vital
This all happens May 9-13, 2011 in Richmond, VA at the Richmond Hill Urban Retreat Center ( Richmond Hill is a former monastery, located in the heart of the city of Richmond. Most people will be sharing a room with one other person throughout the week. All meals are all included as part of our stay and will take place on the grounds.
For registration info: check out here.

David Fitch (Ph.D) is a longtime pastor in Chicago, and the B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary. He teaches on the issues the local church must face in mission including cultural engagement, leadership, and theology. He's written multiple books, including Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape...