The Past Breaks into the Present

“If I had known you were going to talk about her, I wouldn’t have come!”

That’s what a woman bluntly told me at a conference after I’d spoken on the life of Mary of Bethany. She followed her remark by expressing her surprise that there was so much more to learn about and from the Mary of Bethany she’d heard about ad nauseum. 

It’s easy to feel that way about the Old Testament book of Ruth. Who of us hasn’t heard that story so many times, we’ve become somewhat tired of hearing about Ruth and her undying devotion to her out-of-sorts mother-in-law Naomi? Maybe you’re like I was—loving the beautiful romance between Ruth and Boaz, but finding the “happily-ever-after” ending a little “too Cinderella” to stomach.

Let me assure all skeptics in advance that The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the Rules41xqAd4R2+L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_, and the class based on it that I’ll be teaching this fall will bring this ancient story into the the present with astonishing relevance. The Bible isn’t teaching fairy tales and the book of Ruth isn’t a Hallmark card tucked into the Bible “for the ladies.”

Written for the whole church to ponder, the book of Ruth is one of the most powerful portrayals in all of scripture of the transforming power of Jesus gospel in the lives of his children. It puts pressing contemporary issues front and center—brokenness and loss, the plight of women in the world, widowhood, infertility, single parenting, marginalization of women, power and powerlessness, poverty and wealth, immigrants and refugees, male/female relationships, and the radical courage and good that comes from living as God’s child in this fallen world.

If you live anywhere near Souderton, I hope you’ll consider coming and finding out how this ancient book touches down in your story.

And if (for whatever reason) you can’t come, read the book anyway! This isn’t the same old Ruth, Naomi, or Boaz we’ve always known. Based on the impact of their story on me and what I’m also hearing from readers, I have no doubt their story will change your story too.

Tuesdays, September 13-November 22

Morning Class:  9:15-11:15am (child care provided)


Evening Class: 7-8:30pm (no child care)

No Charge

Calvary Church
820 Route 113
Souderton, Pennsylvania 18964

The Women of Calvary Church
welcome any interested women to attend!
For more information and to register, go here.

Carolyn Custis James (BA Sociology, MA Biblical Studies) thinks deeply about what it means to be a female follower of Jesus in a postmodern world. As a cancer survivor, she is grateful to be alive and determined to address the issues that matter most. She travels extensively both in the...