Watch: Race Matters Q & A with Dennis Edwards and Greg Boyd

All my adult life I’ve been involved in conversations and initiatives regarding racism in the United States. Not all of these conversations have been in church contexts. When I was a science and math teacher back in NYC at an independent school, I was one of few African Americans on the faculty and my voice was valued by many in the administration and among the student body. It has not always been similarly valued in evangelical contexts! But a little while ago, Dr. Greg Boyd and I sat together to field questions regarding racial injustice and how Christians can be agents of reconciliation. The entire session was recorded on video. I hope you’ll check it out!


I also have hope that we Christians will learn to deal with issues of race and power even better as time goes on. It has already been a long and arduous journey, but with genuine humility, flowing from from our submission to the lordship of Jesus, we can grow in being true reconcilers, which is a fundamental part of the Gospel and not an optional addendum to it.

Watch: Race Matters Q & A with @RevDrDre and @GregBoyd Share on X
Dennis hails from New York City, by way of Washington, DC. He's a learner and a teacher, a husband and a father, a pastor and servant. His BS degree is from Cornell (in Chemical Engineering), his MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and both his MA and PhD (in Biblical...