Reasons to Attend the One-of-a-Kind Praxis Gathering By V3 Movement

As an initiative that cares deeply about a decidedly missional approach to church planting, we’re excited to let you know about a one-of-a-kind gathering being put on by one of our partners, V3 Movement. Here are just a few of the key characteristics of this training-focused event:


  • You will not only hear from, but be able to interact with some of the best practitioners in the country in regard to grounded missional practice, including Alan and Deb Hirsch, Jon Tyson, David Fitch, Gideon Tsang, A.J. Swoboda, Linda Bergquist, David Bailey, Mia Chang and more… 


  • It is a communal event, in that we meet, eat and sleep at the same retreat center within the Washington DC beltway, which allows for natural connection with others over a meal or in a lounge area


  • You will have the chance to meaningfully interact with other placed-based, discipleship-focused, movement-oriented, missional-incarnational church planters and leaders


  • You can meet with some incredible partners who are helping to sponsor this event, including InterVarsity Press, Missio Alliance, Fuller Theological Seminary, Asbury Theological Seminary, Parish Collective, iTeams and Reliant Mission 


  • The price of the conference is amazing, in that it includes conference fees, room and board in the Washington D.C. area


  • The gathering is organized by four spaces of belonging – intimate, personal, social and public space – so that you have the opportunity to connect with people in various ways


  • The workshops on Friday cover meaningful topics and have a mix of rich theology and concrete practice



Alan Hirsch, Founding Director, Forge Mission Training (Los Angeles, CA)     

  • Don’t Just Plant a Church, Start a Movement
  • Incarnational Church


Jon Tyson, Founding Pastor, Trinity Grace Church (New York, NY)

  • The Multi-Congregational Approach to Reaching a City
  • Missional Preaching


David Bailey, Speaker, Producer, Worship Leader, and Author (Richmond, VA)

  • Race, Diversity and Culture 101
  • Multi-Cultural and Multi-Class Practices for Church Leaders


A.J. Swoboda, Founding Pastor, Theophilus Church (Portland, OR)

  • The Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday of Leadership
  • Blue Collar Pentecost: The Life of the Spirit in the Mundane


Deb Hirsch, Author and Practioiner (Los Angeles, CA)

  • Redeeming Sexuality within Community
  • Incarnational Living


David Fitch, Professor Northern Seminary, Church Planter (Chicago, IL)

  • How the Lord’s Table Shapes us for Mission
  • The Local Church and the LGBTQ People Among Us: Opening Up Space for the Kingdom


Aaron & Amy Graham, Founding Pastors, The District Church, (Washington D.C.)

  • Engaging the City as a Church Planting Couple


Mako Nagasawa, Founder of New Humanity Institute (Boston, MA)

  • Your View of the Atonement Matters for Mission


Gideon Tsang, One of the Pastors, Vox Veniae (Austin, TX)

  • Missional Liturgy


Linda Bergquist, Church Strategist (San Francisco, CA)

  • Organizing Principles for a Church Plant
  • How to Meaningfully Connect with Your Neighborhood and Networks


Tim Soerens, Co-founding Director of Parish Collective, (Seattle, WA)

  • Working for the Common Good in Your Neighborhood


Tom Mauriello, Director of Reliant Mission, (Orlando, FL)

  • Funding Your Ministry


Daniel Im, Church Multiplication Strategist, (Nashville, TN)

  • Learning to Value the Desert Experience in Ministry


This is only 20 of the over 40 workshops that you will have the opportunity to attend.

Early Bird Registration ends on Tuesday, June 30th, so be sure to sign up fast! It promises to be a remarkable time.

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.