5Q: Unleashing the Ministry of Christ in the Body of Christ


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Based on the writing of his latest work, Alan Hirsch takes us on a really
deep dive into the fivefold (APEST) typology of ministry as articulated in
Ephesians 4:1-16, Join him on an thrilling journey of discovery that locates
the roots of APEST in the nature and purposes of of God, tracks how these
are laced by the Spirit throughout creation and culture, how they reconstituted
and perfectly exemplified in the life and ministry of Jesus, are
embedded into the the very foundations of the Church, and subsequently
expressed through the lives of the countless saints that make it up. By
laying out a comprehensive model that incorporates deep theory as well
as practice. 5Q is geared to change not only the conversation itself, but
also the scorecard on how we understand calling, church, leadership, and