Awakenings 2023 All Plenaries (Audio only)


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Disruption In The Life of The Church: Then: Dr. Dennis Edwards

Disruption In The Life of The Church: Now: Lisa Rodriguez Watson

Metanoia: Wholehearted Change in Unprecedented Times: Alan Hirsch

State of the Church in America: Panel

 Disrupting Legacies of White Supremacy in the Church: David Swanson

Lament & Joy: Formation Of Our Faith: Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

The Blessing of Discomfort: A Global Church Perspective: Ruth Padilla DeBorst

Prophetic Lament: A Call For Love, Justice, and Humility: Soong-Chan Rah-

The Essential Need for Integrity in Leaders & Systems: MaryKate Morse

Mutual Leadership: The Need For Dismantling Patriarchy: Carolyn Custis James

Disruption, Mission, & The Next Generation: Miriam Swanson

Theological Aesthetics: How We Create Beauty In The World: Ted Kim