Caring for Neighbors From a Distance


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Healthcare systems stretched; record unemployment: grieving losses; families cooped up, adapting to working from home; everything moved online; churches and businesses retooling for social distancing; uncertainty in planning events; significant financial, physical and mental health needs; high stress of social isolation, especially for seniors; spending more time on social media; economic and racial inequalities magnified; rising domestic violence; tensions around worker safety …

How can churches reach out with living hope in this context of uncertainty and anxiety?


The church is not closed.

Our mission is not on hold.

Our calling to love our neighbors has not changed.

How we do it is evolving.

Churches may be asking: How can we help others when we feel so vulnerable ourselves? Here we offer options (and links to examples and resources) for how you can support your community in this season, and into a future where “new” is normal.