Costly Solidarity: Leading Majority-White Churches Towards Racial Justice Webinar




Many pastors in majority-white churches are growing in their commitment to racial reconciliation and justice. The racial disparities revealed by the pandemic and the many horrifying instances of racial injustice have made it increasingly impossible for church leaders to turn away. But what does this ministry look like for the long-haul? How do we serve and lead people who’ve missed the connections between their discipleship and justice? How can we respond when the inevitable pushback comes?
Moderated by Rediscipling the White Church author and pastor David Swanson, this panel will feature pastors and church leaders from majority-white churches who have wrestled with these questions and who are committed to staying the course.
In this conversation, you will…
· Learn about the unique and critical role pastors and ministry leaders play in this ministry
· Hear why a discipleship lens provides a helpful way to lead into the complexities of racial injustice
· Experience an honest and open conversation about the challenges that pastors can face while discipling their congregations towards racial justice
· Discover the different ways that staff can view a church’s racial culture depending on their own cultural frame of reference