Sent Together: Gender Reconciliation as Gospel Proclamation- Tara Beth Leach




Sent Together: Gender Reconciliation as Gospel Proclamation- Tara Beth Leach

Recognizing our call as “sent ones” for the sake of the world, the Church in North America has often rooted herself in stories that are a distorted vision of the kingdom story that disfigures the witness of the Church. When the world cried #metoo, the church echoed #churchtoo. The call for the bride of Christ is to offer a drastic alternate way of living, but sometimes our cross-gendered relationships and partnerships look more like the world’s than the kingdom story. This not only harms the witness, but when rooted in the wrong storylines, gifted women and entire people groups are held back from living as sent ones. Let us awaken to and reclaim the redemptive story of men and women not only rooted, but connected in God’s story as we together embrace our call as sent ones.