#TrulyHuman Plenary Bundle


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#1: RE-CLAIMING THE RESURRECTION | Brian Zahnd & Cherith Nordling

An enormous opportunity stands before the North American Church – one that stands to dramatically impact the shape and trajectory of Christian mission in our day. That opportunity is reclaiming the place of the resurrection as central to how we understand our identity as human beings made – and remade! – in the image of Christ. This session will lay the foundation for the rest of the gathering as we consider together how the centrality of the resurrection has been eclipsed in the thought and practice of the Church and all it might mean to capture a fresh vision for resurrectional life as followers of Jesus.

#2: REFLECTING THE NEW HUMANITY | Ben Witherington & Efrem Smith

Being “in Christ” is no mere religious designation – it conveys our incorporation into Christ’s Body, God’s new humanity! The implications of receiving this adoption into God’s family are vast. Reflecting the new humanity made possible in Jesus’ resurrection entails a new self-identity, new ways of relating to fellow Christians, new ways of being in the world as God’s people, and much more. In this session we’ll consider key dimensions of this biblical theme in relation to some of the most pressing challenges facing the Church today in mission.

#3: LIVING YOUR RESURRECTIONAL IDENTITY | Amos Yong, MaryKate Morse, & Jonny Grant

Re-imagining the resurrectional life is not an abstract affair. Instead, in keeping with the flesh and blood nature of Jesus’ resurrection, it is intimately connected to the issues, stories, and challenges we find ourselves connected to as those called to join God’s mission in the world. In fact, when engaged faithfully, rather than calling our attention exclusively to the future, the reality and power of the resurrection invite us to consider a vision of human identity and practice that matters right now. This session will open up space for a fresh consideration of our embodied existence in light of the resurrection.


While re-imagining the resurrectional life has a direct bearing upon our individual lives as disciples, the full weight and significance of those implications is dynamically related to the contexts and communities we are a part of. In and among our local churches, God is inviting us to cultivate a resurrected witness together – a witness empowered by the Holy Spirit through which we join God in proclaiming the good news of the kingdom. This session aims to provide a vision and resources for what it looks like for this reality to work itself out among communities of believers for the sake of God’s mission.


We are a people of the resurrection and this final collective session is going to be a celebration of the new creation made possible by the resurrected Christ!! At the conclusion of our time together, rather than trying to pack in more content, we want to celebrate all God has done, is doing, and might yet do among the North American Church and – in our own lives – for the sake of His mission. We promise that you won’t want to miss this exciting and powerful time as we worship together in music, preaching, and art.