Following and Worshipping a God of Surprises

When the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin that she was pregnant with child, she responded first with a question, “How can this be?” This pregnant girl went to visit her elderly relative, Elisabeth, who greeted her with a word of praise and a question. “Why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Mary’s fiancé, Joseph, was awakened in a dream with the news. “[Mary] will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins (Matt 1:21).” This was good news; there was no need for fear. “God is with us.” Upon the arrival of this miraculous baby, conceived of the Holy Spirit and birthed by his mother, the shepherds in the field received the baby announcement. The angel declared, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10b-11).” This child’s arrival is good news to shepherds too. There is no need to fear.

It seems that upon Jesus’ arrival as a baby on earth, everyone—his mother, his earthly father, his relatives, and neighbors—was surprised to welcome him. In spite of knowing the Old Testament promises and prophecies, even the most devout did not expect him to arrive when he did, and no one expected him to arrive as a baby. When the heavenly hosts finally revealed the good news of his presence, many responded in awe or fear. Sometimes we can wait for something so long that we forget what we are waiting for, and often do not recognize it when it does arrive (even when the promise is right under our noses).

As we move from Advent as a season of waiting into Epiphany as a season of revelation and later into Lent as a season of commemoration, we are reminded of the weariness of the Israelites as they waited for the coming Messiah. We repent of our contribution to this innocent baby’s arrival for the purpose of dying a guilty man’s death. In the wilderness of our sin, we are humbly reminded that God has provided himself as a sacrifice. “Immanuel” came, died, and ascended back to Heaven. He is alive and present with us now. He will return to us again.

As we wait for his return, will we be surprised by him again and again? Will our faith waiver? Will we lose hope? Will we forget the faithful promises as we wait? Will we succumb to our fears?

In the days of wars and rumors of wars, broken political structures, hateful rhetoric and crippled justice systems…in the presence of homelessness and wandering sojourners…in the realities of racism and oppression of the most vulnerable in the world…and as we witness the growing gap between the privileged and those living in extreme poverty…God whispers four words, “Do not be afraid.” These were his words to the scared virgin, her fiancé, and the shepherds in the field. The good news is Christ has come to enter into this world, and Christ will come again. Like them, we can look forward to that day with great hope and anticipation.

The good news is Christ has come to enter into this world, & Christ will come again. Share on X

This baby was so desperately needed and he has surprised us all…

He made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
He humbled himself and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross (Phil 2:7-8)!

Without much thought, we understand that “very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:7-8).”

I’m surprised by this Jesus, the one who humbled himself to put on human flesh and then die for his enemies—even me. Because of his willingness and this obedience, “God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil 2:10-11).”

Our souls are restless and weary. We have been waiting so long.

Our souls are restless and weary. We have been waiting so long. Share on X

Father God, help us not to forget how blessed we are to have a right to life, and the privilege to be called children of God! Help us be a watchful, praying, and patiently waiting people. Holy Spirit, give us a clear vision and focus for the future. Jesus, let us not be surprised or caught off guard by your second coming. Do surprise us daily with fresh reminders of your presence, truth, promises, and the preparation you are making for us. How privileged are we to be surprised by you! When you return to call us home, I pray you find us—your servants—faithful, working, and ready. Help us, Lord Jesus. We need you now, Lord. We need you. I need you now.

Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus. Come…Amen.

Natasha Sistrunk Robinson is an international speaker, leadership consultant, diversity and mentoring coach with nearly 20 years of leadership experience in the military, federal government, church, seminary, and nonprofit sectors. She is the author of "A Sojourner’s Truth: Choosing Freedom and Courage in a Divided World," "Mentor for Life" and...