Samantha Rauh
Samantha Rauh works in young adult ministry and has a specific passion for addressing mental health and individuals with special needs. She currently serves as the recruiter and liaison for the Advanced Pastoral Degree Program at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois, as well as an adjunct professor in the Theology Department at Trinity Christian College. She is a graduate of Truman State University (BA, Communication Studies, Minor in Theatre), and George W. Truett Theological Seminary (MDiv). She is starting the Doctorate of Ministry in New Testament at Northern Seminary in the fall of 2021. Samantha believes that Christ calls us live unfiltered which leads to more authentic relationships and can be learned from special needs community. She has a perfect dog, Harper, and her life would not be as joyful without her little brother, Zach.
Samantha Rauh
Samantha Rauh works in young adult ministry and has a specific passion for addressing mental health and individuals with special needs. She currently serves as the recruiter and liaison for the Advanced Pastoral Degree Program at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois, as well as an adjunct professor in the Theology Department at Trinity Christian College. She is a graduate of Truman State University (BA, Communication Studies, Minor in Theatre), and George W. Truett Theological Seminary (MDiv). She is starting the Doctorate of Ministry in New Testament at Northern Seminary in the fall of 2021. Samantha believes that Christ calls us live unfiltered which leads to more authentic relationships and can be learned from special needs community. She has a perfect dog, Harper, and her life would not be as joyful without her little brother, Zach.