The Myth of Extending the Table

A couple nights ago, I received a call in the early evening from a prominent speaker and writer here in the Portland area. He was having a dinner party and wondered if I was free to come and join him and his other guests. He said that most of the people at the party were, like him, from the area and he thought that having me, a Southerner now living in the Pacific Northwest, would add a different voice to the conversation. Though somewhat unsure about what he meant by that, I rearranged my plans for the evening and drove across town to his house…

…Have you ever had an experience like that? No? Me neither. That dinner party didn’t really happen. However, you’ve probably created situations like that without realizing it. This happens all the time when (mostly white, male, evangelical) Christians talk about “extending the table” to include “minority perspective.” The notion of extending the table is a myth and here’s why:

Finish the post here by Andy Campell.


Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.