The Sights of Awakenings 2025
- Communal Art Experiences: Even puzzles seek wholeness!
- Awakenings 2025 Conference swag (Created by the amazing Justin Heap!)
- Worship through music at Awakenings 2025
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team (Justin Fung)
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team (Andrea Ackermann)
- Our hilariously brilliant MC, Miriam Swanson!
- Centering Practice: Welcome (Rev. Juliet Liu)
- Plenary: “On Cherry Trees and Ashes: A Vision for Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church” (Missio Alliance’s inimitable National Director, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson)
- Plenary: “The Great Re-Commission” (Jim Baucom)
- Communal Art Experiences: “Letters to the Church”
- Communal Art Experiences: “Letters to the Church” reflection prompt
- Plenary: “The Church and the Mission of God: Beauty and the Messy Middle” (Rev. Enid M. Almanzar)
- Centering Practice: “Confessions of an Amateur Saint” (Rev. Dr. Mandy Smith)
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Conversation: “A Beautiful Mess: Embracing the Chaos, Discovering the Sacred” (Panel L to R: Gaby Viesca (Facilitator), Rev. Dr. Eun Strawser, Darryl Answer, Rev. Lora Gravatt, Daniel Harris)
- Plenary: “The Home Mission: The Redemption of Place” (Rev. Dr. Willie James Jennings)
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Communal Art Experiences: “Color by Number Jesus” by the incredible @cosmicchrist (Julius Shumpert)
- Communal Art Experiences: “Color by Number Jesus” by the incredible @cosmicchrist (Julius Shumpert)
- Letters to the Church closing liturgy (Cheryl You)
- Conversation: “Unity in Diversity & the Journey to Wholeness” (Panel L to R: Lisa Rodriguez-Watson (Facilitator), Miriam Swanson, Oneya Okuwobi, Mariah Humphries, Jonathan Brooks)
- Plenary: “Beauty and Justice: Missional Life” (Makoto Fujimura)
- Plenary: “Beauty and Justice: Missional Life” (Haejin Shim Fujimura)
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Thank you to the Christ City DC worship team
- Why Write 2025 Writing Pre-Conference Workshop: “Under-Represented Voices in Publishing” (Rev. Dr. Al Hsu, IVP)
- Grateful for our Awakenings 2025 Missio Alliance team (L to R: Mondo Scott, David Nishizaki, Julius Shumpert, Julease Graham, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson, Gaby Viesca, Sarah Schepens (Amazing Awakenings Director!), Sheby Schwitters, Chris Kamalski, Justin Heap)
- Awakenings 2025 Name Badges (created by the amazing Justin Heap!)
- All images shot by the talented Justin Heap!
Editorial Note: How do you recap a profoundly deep and prophetically challenging biennial gathering such as Awakenings 2025? Without saying “Check out all the clips and images already on our social channels” (Do this!), the answer is, imperfectly yet with short reflections. Thus, the next few articles will contain a short reflection and key ideas and quotes from plenary speakers during each day of Awakenings 2025.
Several hundred of us gathered in the DC Metro area in early March to seek God, and begin to make sense of this cultural moment. God met us, as God always does, and we left transformed.
We hope these simple reflections spark your own transformation journey with Jesus as you continue to pursue wholeness and beauty in the life of the church alongside our team. ~CK
P.S. Pick up the Awakenings 2025 Conference Bundle, which includes video of all Main Sessions + audio of all Workshops, today!