The Sights of Awakenings 2025

"Reflect on the sights of Awakenings 2025, "Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church," through the lens of our photographers."

"Reflect on the sights of Awakenings 2025, "Wholeness and Beauty in the Life of the Church," through the lens of our photographers."

Editorial Note: How do you recap a profoundly deep and prophetically challenging biennial gathering such as Awakenings 2025? Without saying “Check out all the clips and images already on our social channels” (Do this!), the answer is, imperfectly yet with short reflections. Thus, the next few articles will contain a short reflection and key ideas and quotes from plenary speakers during each day of Awakenings 2025.

Several hundred of us gathered in the DC Metro area in early March to seek God, and begin to make sense of this cultural moment. God met us, as God always does, and we left transformed.

We hope these simple reflections spark your own transformation journey with Jesus as you continue to pursue wholeness and beauty in the life of the church alongside our team. ~CK

P.S. Pick up the Awakenings 2025 Conference Bundle, which includes video of all Main Sessions + audio of all Workshops, today!

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.