The Sunday Morning Post, 1.4.15

Every Sunday morning, we’ll be posting articles and links that are saying something important about church, culture, and mission. Here’s what resonated with us this week on the web:

Church & Theology

Benjamin L. Corey lists five areas where progressive Christian culture has lost him:

I’m dedicated to following Jesus, and if that means I’ll be called a “Progressive Christian” I am quite content with that. However, my loyalty is to Jesus– and Jesus alone– which means I’m not willing to be constrained by any tribal boundaries and don’t have a problem pointing out areas of disconnect with some in my own tribe. In those cases, I’m content to say, “I love you guys, but you’ve lost me on that one.”

Brian Zahnd riffs on T.S. Eliot’s The Journey of the Magi by offering his own poetic interpretation:

I know that when I really began to see the Kingdom of God for what it is—
Cherished assumptions about the nation and life I call mine had to die.
I was no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation.
Well, consider this:
When the Magi made their way home, we’re told they went by “another way.”
Of course they did.
Once you see the King, once you have the Epiphany—
You have to travel through this life by “another way.”

Sociologist John Hawthorne offers an institutional analysis of those who are “Done” with church:

The result of these various shifts in institutional culture over the past generation and a half is that the role of congregant has shrunk in both importance and task. If it feels like people are spectators, it’s because that’s what the rules call for. If we want something else, we’ll need to rethink some institutional arrangements.

News & Views

Christena Cleveland lists ten reconciliation books from 2014 that we should read:

It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: I try to listen to and learn from people both inside and outside of my so-called tribe. So just because a book is on this list doesn’t mean that I endorse or agree with everything that the author does, believes, writes, or says. I chose these books because they have sharpened my thinking around issues of reconciliation and unity…as iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). Enjoy!

Chris Morton takes a crack at some new year’s resolutions – but in bite-size form:

Here are 51 ideas I had. What would add?

1. Wake up five minutes earlier. Spend the time in bed enjoying the silence.
2. Work more kale into your diet.
3. Carry cash and be ready to “give to him who asks you.”
4. Make a list of the decisions you’ve been procrastinating.
5. Stretch.
6. Call people by their name.
7. Spend 15 minutes reading something on paper…

Jonathan Merritt interviews Tullian Tchividjian at RNS about why new year’s resolutions can be damaging:

RNS: Do you think rigorously setting New Year’s resolutions can be spiritually damaging then?

TT: Let me be clear: making changes in your life is not a bad thing. But these things become damaging, spiritually or otherwise, when we see them as ways to justify ourselves. Robert Capon once said that “the greatest temptation is to think that it is by further, better, and more aggressive living that we can find life.” Thinking that we can save ourselves by our works, in other words, is not just a bad theological idea, it’s a terrible way to live.

On The Missio Blog

On the blog this week, we finished our two month #ChurchTrending series:

#ChurchTrending: Barriers To The Gospel And The Great Commandments, by William Walker

#ChurchTrending: Why I’m Quitting Facebook In 2015, by Gary Alan Taylor

The Missio Alliance Essential Reading List Of 2014: Fifteen Books We Love!, by Missio Alliance

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.