Theology On Mission Podcast #19: Preaching Or Teaching? (David Fitch)

“What’s the difference anyway?” you might ask when it comes to preaching and teaching.

In this special episode, pastor and professor David Fitch talks about this difference between preaching and teaching, and how we need to proclaim the gospel in the pulpit, around the dinner table, and the everywhere else.

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This is the second of five *special episodes* recorded at this year’s Missional Commons which focused on “The Mission of Preaching” (hosted by NORTHERN SEMINARY and ECCLESIA NETWORK).

Be sure not to miss any of the other other talks from “The Mission of Preaching” by SUBSCRIBING to the our Podcast (iTunes,Stitcher), or to get them in your inbox, JOIN the Theology on Mission newsletter.

Other Episodes:
#1 BOASTING IN WEAKNESS: The Source of our Ministry ~ Mandy Smith
#3 POUR OVER SERMONS: Brewing in the Spirit ~ Tara Beth Leach
#4 RESURRECTION IMAGINATION: Good News in the Religious Marketplace ~ Matt Tebbe

Missio Alliance invites Christian leaders into a generative, expansive, intercultural network to cultivate a holistic theology and practice. Find our work at or on social platforms @missioalliance.