Theology On Mission #20: Seeing Another Story

What is the core of discipleship?

Does information + action = discipleship?
Is there something missing from this equation?

Fitch and Holsclaw discuss the important aspect of “seeing yourself in another story” in the process of discipleship. Only in the conversion of our imagination, immersed in a different story and seeing the world and ourselves differently, can we truly begin to follow Jesus.

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Mentioned in What ya reading?
Grassroots Asian Theology ~ Simon Chan

What’s happening?
Young, Restless, and Always Reforming: The Mission of God and the Continuing Reformation of the Church
…with David Fitch, Cherith Fee Nordling, Kyuboem Lee, Jin Kim and others.
May 3-4, 2016, Philadelphia, PA

Stay Connected
Want to learn more about gathering around the practices of discipleship? Then check out the DMIN in Contextual Theology or the Masters in Theology and Mission atNorthern Seminary.

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