Theology On Mission Podcast #10: Our Place in Cultures of Power?

What is our place among cultures of power?

How should the church relate to culture? What is ‘culture’ for that matter? And is power a bad thing? Dave and Geoff talk about different ways of thinking about church and culture(s), from H. Richard Niebuhr’s influential Christ and Culture to James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World, and why this matters to the local church.

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Big Idea: If the church hasn’t learned how to hold power within the church, then it shouldn’t be trusted with power outside in culture.

Mentioned in What ya Reading?

Church Dogmatics, Vol. 1.2, Sections 13-15 ~ Karl Barth
Political Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed ~ Elizabeth Phillips

Be sure to check out (or tell others) about Northern Seminary’s exciting new Master of Arts in Theology and Mission where Dave, Geoff and other students and pastors continue exploring about the connection between mission and theology.

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