Theology On Mission Podcast #8: On Not Just Adding Justice

Is being "missional" merely adding something to "church", something like justice? Geoff and Dave discuss how adding a "justice" ministry, but keeping everything else about your church the same, is not being "missional" and doesn't help much with "justice" either. Justice is too relational to be a program added to a church. 

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Books Mentioned: Toxic Charity ~ Robert Lupton When Helping Hurts ~ Steven Corbett & Brian Fikkert

Event Mentioned: Genesis Church Planters Training (Chicago, Sept. 21-25)

What Ya Reading? Approaching the Heart of Prophecy ~ Graham Cooke Ancient Christian Worship ~ Andrew McGowan

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131ae72And be sure to check out (or tell others) about Northern Seminary's exciting new Master of Arts in Theology and Mission where Dave, Geoff and other students and pastor continue learning about these things.





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