Theology On Mission Podcast #9: The Word Became…a Book?

20 Years Ago, I (Geoff) said to my dad: “Inerrancy doesn’t matter anymore. It is all about interpretation now!”

Continuing to explore what it might mean to “Get Off The Train” of the fundamentalist/progressive dichotomy, in this new episode Fitch and Holsclaw talk about the Bible:

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Even if the Bible is inerrant, how are we going to interpret it? And who? Inerrancy and interpretation make up the two parts of this new episode of “Theology on Mission.” Questions are tackled by Fitch and Holsclaw in this new episode. Beyond a “book of truths” or a “library of experiences”, beyond the conservative/progressive divide, God speaks to us through Scripture, interpreting us as we interpret it.

From “What Ya Reading?”

The Sublime Object of Ideology ~ Slavoj Žižek
(a tough philosophical/psychoanalytic interpretation of politics and desire)

Redeptive History and the New Testament Scriptures ~ Herman Ridderbos
(a short exploration of how the collection of the biblical canon was both a historical process and divine event)

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131ae72Be sure to check out (or tell others) about Northern Seminary’s exciting new Master of Arts in Theology and Mission where Dave, Geoff and other students and pastors continue learning about the connection between mission and theology.

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